Child Support in New York
Child support is money paid by one parent to the other in order to provide financial support to their child(ren). Every child is owed support from their parents and a custodial arrangement will influence the child support obligation. This typically occurs at the end of the marriage or relationship.
Every child is owed support from their parents. The basic child support obligation is based on statutory requirements and is typically paid by the noncustodial parent based upon a percentage of the income of both parents.
Other issues related to child support obligations may include the child(ren)’s educational expenses, health care costs, and child care expenses. The determination of a child support obligation is very important. This obligation can be modified during the term of the agreement but obtaining this type of modification demands a great deal of evidence and can be expensive and time-consuming. A child support obligation cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy, and arrears do not expire.
The attorneys at Donnellan Law, PLLC bring their extensive legal experience to every one of their clients. Our goal is to protect your interests, whether that means seeking the maximum amount of child support or finding ways to limit your financial exposure.
Deviations From the Standard Support Obligation
If the statutory amount seems unreasonable or inappropriate, other factors can be used to determine the amount. If you and your child(ren)’s other parent can agree on an amount that is different from the standard percentage, we can assist you in creating an agreement that both sides find fair.
Your agreement determining the amount of child support must meet certain technical provisions of the New York Child Support Standards Act. Our attorneys at Donnellan Law, PLLC, will ensure that your agreement complies with these technical provisions.
Contact Us
Child support can be a contentious issue, whether it is during a divorce proceeding or in a contested support matter in family court. We can help you understand the issues and requirements and work to achieve your goals. Call our office at 518-602-3820 or use our online form to schedule a confidential consultation.